Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I CAN'T WAIT! (Part II) 12-25-2012

This is a somehwhat progressive blog. Feel FREE to begin by clicking to my first post: Boologging Begins

Merry Christmas! I CAN'T WAIT until tomorrow to post, so here we go! This picture of our 2010 Christmas gift is a special treasure, and he continues to be an energetic joy!

Now to continue with the agonizing WAIT for my 2006 cancer surgery and lymph node report...

At times, I feel hopeless. Night-time, terror-filled hours are few, but I face them. (I confess that Benedryl zonked me out once or twice). Having a calming drink to lighten my worries and numb away hopeless feelings would have been harmless, right? Why not opt for the path of least resistance? I have free-will after all.

The little choices I make, day-by-day, month-by-month, year-by-year create today's me. One decision paves the way for the next, and my children are watching. I am the sum total of all of my seemingly unimportant, little decisions. My dehydrated body forces me... to face each day, sober... and maybe it encourages life-creating, critical thinking.

How do I spell relief? CANCER-FREE SENTINEL NODE. Oh, what a relief it is to hear the resounding words from my skilled surgeon: Tests on your sentinel node show no signs of cancer.

Woo hoo and giddy up! Cartwheels and dancing are appropriate responses, but, oh my... the arms don't want to raise, the drains in my chest are awkward and disgusting; so, for a long while, dancing will be only in my dreams. 

Each day I am pregnant with promise and with hope, especially during the Christmas season (because of my grand baby's specially-timed birth). My hope is in a special Baby Boy, born in a humble stable, placed in an ordinary manger. A Heavenly choir of angels and a bright, sparkly, shining star announced His seemingly ordinary birth.

The Jews WAITED and WAITED, for generations, to see their Savior, but they missed His birth and challenged His credibility. Lowly shepherds on nearby hills FREELY chose to travel to the newborn. Richly-robed wise men were compelled, and FREELY traveled, long distances, to see the special child. No one was forced. Today, I freely choose to accept Him as my Savior, and I earnestly hope for His return.

Hope versus hopelessness. It is a minute-by-minute choice. This week I choose to:

1) Remember special births: Jesus' [& my grandson's]...
2) Practice the presence of Jesus; and...
3) WAIT... for His return.

Another thing for which I am grateful: The precious Baby Jesus. Merry Christmas!

Just one more post and this blogging commitment will be history. Sunday, December 30th closes out this 2-month focus on personal freedom... Deo Volente.

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