My blog is somewhat progressive. Feel FREE to begin reading with my October 31st post
Good morning! Today's triple-12 date is fun. It is early morning, but already one of my Facebook friends posted her alarm clock's 12-12-12 date (she lives in Germany), another proclaimed that today is National Mic Check Day (testing one, two... one, two... one, two). So, I posted to Facebook "Happy Triple-Twelve Day" with an un-retouched photo from last year showing XII in the sky.
There are doomsday predictions for 12-21-12... The Mayan Calendar ends on that date, so people interpret from that the worst. According to "them" we have just 10 days to live (including today), so I'll make the most of those days! One of the ways I will do that is to make a commitment within a commitment, to post each day until 12-21-12, just for kicks. These extra posts will have different formatting. We'll see what tomorrow's looks like... tomorrow. It might be just a picture, or a few words, or... I don't know.
I've been blogging just since 10-31-12, so this is a new experience for me. I committed to post two times a week for two months; and so far, so good. I have exposed my writing and my thoughts to the world with, say, 10 loyal followers from my family and Facebook land.
Since talk of doomsday is in the air, I apologize that I'm doing it again; I have another "Daisy Downer" news article. It shares of a father accused of killing his 3-year-old son in an Ozarks car wreck, and it helps me segue to a critical point about free-will. Here is the newspaper story:
There are doomsday predictions for 12-21-12... The Mayan Calendar ends on that date, so people interpret from that the worst. According to "them" we have just 10 days to live (including today), so I'll make the most of those days! One of the ways I will do that is to make a commitment within a commitment, to post each day until 12-21-12, just for kicks. These extra posts will have different formatting. We'll see what tomorrow's looks like... tomorrow. It might be just a picture, or a few words, or... I don't know.
I've been blogging just since 10-31-12, so this is a new experience for me. I committed to post two times a week for two months; and so far, so good. I have exposed my writing and my thoughts to the world with, say, 10 loyal followers from my family and Facebook land.
Since talk of doomsday is in the air, I apologize that I'm doing it again; I have another "Daisy Downer" news article. It shares of a father accused of killing his 3-year-old son in an Ozarks car wreck, and it helps me segue to a critical point about free-will. Here is the newspaper story:
An arrest has been made following a Tuesday afternoon crash... that killed a 3-year-old boy... [the 33-year-old driver] was arrested by the Missouri Highway Patrol for his involvement in the wreck...on suspicion of involuntary manslaughter...investigators believe that alcohol might have been involved...[the driver] has a prior conviction for driving while intoxicated on his record...[he] is the father of the boy who died in a crash...[the driver] lost control of the Toyota and slid into the path of a westbound Ford Explorer...[the 3-year-old]... in the Toyota was killed.
My attention was drawn to this accident because vehicles were diverted for hours; we are thankful our friends were one of the diverted cars rather than one of the three cars in the accident... Our friends did not have to experience a child being killed. Surviving victims were in a Ford Explorer and also in a third vehicle involved in the accident (carrying a 4-year-old and an infant). All survived but the son of the suspected drunk driver.
Over the past 10 years our friends have experienced keenly stressful times, and we have observed their life choices. Similar to the Ford Explorer as well as the third vehicle in the news story, they were figuratively and innocently hit and hit again with enormous challenges. With the support of others, they faced struggles head-on. They are more than survivors; their family is alive and they are well, and so is the next generation.
Over the past 10 years our friends have experienced keenly stressful times, and we have observed their life choices. Similar to the Ford Explorer as well as the third vehicle in the news story, they were figuratively and innocently hit and hit again with enormous challenges. With the support of others, they faced struggles head-on. They are more than survivors; their family is alive and they are well, and so is the next generation.
I wonder about this Ozarks driver's free-will and its effect on the next generation. Are alcohol's benefits compelling enough to risk: 1) possibly becoming an alcoholic, AND 2) literally killing his next generation?
The same friends I mentioned above knew my Dad, after his alcoholic years. They joked with him about HIS Chicago White Sox and have fond memories of him. I'm glad they knew him then, because he was witty and fun. And he was a wonderful Grandpa! My friends also prayed with Dad in his hour of crisis when Mom tragically died. They never knew his "other" side... from which I and my younger siblings are injured survivors. My family never truly faced our parent's issues head-on, let alone facing each of our own issues. I am now, head-on, facing them in this blog.
In December's "I MESSED UP!" post, I share my concern about risk to reputation. With each and every post I think about family reputation. I love my parents, but IF they could send a message in the clouds, I hope they are writing "neigh" to worrying about reputation, because of the critical bigger picture which I will explain in Sunday's post titled "Chipmunk."
That Ozarks Dad is accused of killing his 3-year-old. He is now a bond slave to the authorities and mourns his losses. He is in jail and will never see his child again; and, for the last many days, has had little freedom.
In December's "I MESSED UP!" post, I share my concern about risk to reputation. With each and every post I think about family reputation. I love my parents, but IF they could send a message in the clouds, I hope they are writing "neigh" to worrying about reputation, because of the critical bigger picture which I will explain in Sunday's post titled "Chipmunk."
That Ozarks Dad is accused of killing his 3-year-old. He is now a bond slave to the authorities and mourns his losses. He is in jail and will never see his child again; and, for the last many days, has had little freedom.
Another thing for which I am grateful: It is just 12 days, plus 1 more day, until Christmas.
FYI - I may not post to Facebook again due to sensitive topics I discuss. Find me if you wish. I plan to be here again, tomorrow... Deo Volente.
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