Friday, March 1, 2013

Left Behind - CR Mellow Santos


        The Brazil team has arrived to their destination, Sao Paulo, but did they sleep well? Overseas flights and accommodations can be primitive. But, wait! That IS a part of the adventure. My husband is probably a little loopy with jet lag, but he is safe!

      This "widow" earned an A- on her sleep report card last night. The house echoes; there are no "thuds," "clunks," or other-person noises that go "bump" in the night; and, my being isn't... quite... right. I am free to buy almost anything! Surely this "left behind" one can see some special advantages? Hmmm...

School's Quad Baptismal Tank
     I now return to additional, therapeutic, 2012 Costa Rica service trip reflections. It is Day Two, and our team is touring a small Bible college. There are no out-of-the-ordinary sights... just classrooms and a small, insignificant "quad." We file into a crude but adequate instructional room to view the tail-end of a subject being taught in Spanish. The professor introduces our group as we are seated, and I think: Yawn, this is just a low-key, introductory day for our jet-lagged service team.

     A student cradles his guitar and strums a few chords. His mouth opens and his first vocals immediately catch my attention as mellow magic begins. He fills the room with a mesmerizing, hypnotic-like... lullaby that reverberates off the walls. My insightful husband captures this "missions moment" as spirits melt. Santos means holy, and we seize this special "ooomph" to activate our service adventure.

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