Thursday, March 28, 2013

THE BIBLE: TEETH-Gnashing & Tongue-Lashing

Theatrical Caiaphas gnashes teeth & rips garments yelling "Blasphemy" at Jesus

     Political Caiaphas is a masterful juggler, strategist, Roman puppet, and High Priest of the Jewish people and Jesus. Unfortunately, his human strategy is flawed. He lacks John's desert baptism to clearly see Truth. He regularly performs services to worship God, but when face-to-face with Jesus, rather than worshipping the Son of God, clueless Caiaphas harshly chastises.

    The History Channel's THE BIBLE portrayal of Caiaphas includes depth and perspective. I appreciate the historical facts that preface many of the scenes, with information about Roman dominance and past, failed Jewish uprisings. Caiaphas' fear of his people's renewed uprisings looms and is a valid concern.

A tongue-lashing that goes beyond smarmy
     To insure his continued pampered position, Caiaphas "wagers" a trifecta of backyard "bets" to: 1) corral trouble-stirring, donkey-riding Jesus, especially during the Holy Week of Passover; 2) stop the Jews from uprising, lest they be slaughtered by the sly Romans; and, 3) calm smarmy Prefect (Governor) Pilate to insure that temperamental King Herod remains distant and satisfied.

     Caiaphas believes that the only way to manage #'s 2 and 3 is to eliminate #1. He creates history, and after sending Jesus to Pontius Pilate for death, THE BIBLE concludes Part 4 of 5 with an intriguing trilogy of worship: 1) Jesus worshipping his Father God; 2) High Priest Caiaphas worshipping God in the temple; and, 3) Prefect Pilate and his wife worshipping idols in their palace.

     Part 5 of THE BIBLE will air this Sunday at 7:00 p.m. on The History Channel. At 11:00 a.m. that day, Parts 1-4 will begin re-airing.

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