Monday, March 25, 2013

A Sticky Solution for Packaging Tape

A sticky situation
      How many times have I endlessly rubbed my fingernail along a roll of packaging tape, trying to locate that elusive, microscopic ridge? Maybe I buy cheap, thinner tape, but at times I have invested extraordinary energy into this sticky stint.

     A brilliant way to prevent the tape from sticking to itself at the end of the roll is to place a toothpick horizontally along the edge of the tape. Leave the pick in place until ready to cut the tape, then transfer it to the unused end (the new start of the roll).

     This "aha" hint was in The News Leader's USA Weekend March 15-17, 2013 issue. I am adding a safety tip to this idea: To prevent painful toothpick pokes, clip off the pointed ends. I used a toenail clipper to do that.

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