Tuesday, September 17, 2013

PAPA : Smarmy-Alarm

     Smarmy = Smug or insincere; the manner in which one insincerely or smugly reacts to an idea. Some smarmily react to ideas that need the test of time to ring true. A concrete example would be to, years ago, smarmily say: Oh, yah... I will one day need email to perform my job. Sure, I believe you. 

     Today we realize that those email nay-sayers were short-sighted. In Genesis we read about nay-sayers and Noah. Noah's life was spared due to his unbelievably spectacular carpentry feat which housed his family, food, and vast pairs of smelly animals. Any and all who wanted to enter the ark's safety were welcome, but their smug chants were: Oh, right, Noah. Water will one day come down from the sky. Not only that, it will be enough water that we'll need to live in your ginormous ark. Don't worry, we'll pick up our boarding passes, soon.

Origami Peace Dove
     The door of the ark eventually shuts, with no more admittance allowed. God sends entire-earth-flooding rains, and the test of time rings true for Noah. The crisis-of-moment Smarmy-Alarm blares. Noah and his crew float; the smarmy regrettably sink.

     The rains eventually subside, and waters begin to recede. Noah yearns to discover if dry ground is nearby. He sends out a dove, and my photo shows a dove's ultimate discovery... an olive tree's branch.

     The olive branch gesture of peace toward His few remaining creation is intentional, sincere, compassionate, and needed. God knows there will be future, unprepared smarmers: A link to read about Nay-sayer High Priest Caiaphas & Smarmy Pilate.

     God knows of our reality-check need for: 1) A peaceable olive branch, as well as 2) the gutsy "Moment of Jump!" A link to read about "The Moment of Jump"

     Upcoming PAPA Prayer posts will attempt a peaceful jump, to purging Step #3.

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