Thursday, September 5, 2013

Who's Turning Into Her Mother?

     This morning as I wash and re-use my Braum's plastic cup and cautiously ration paper towels and napkins, I am reminded of Mom's washed, drying-in-the-dish-drainer, preparing to re-use, gallon-sized Ziploc baggies. It always struck me as hilarious that the wife of a distinguished attorney painstakingly re-cycled inexpensive baggies! I, on the other hand... hmmmm.

     In Mom's early 60s she focused on her isolated, creative side: painting. Here I sit, focusing on my isolated, creative side: writing.

     Are we destined to become our parents? Do we have emotional DNA and behaviors that pass down from generation to generation? You will enjoy the 3-minute Today Show segment below. Simply click the (baby blue) link below to view their discussion on this topic, and see why looking at the present (combined with looking back) may positively enhance your emotional future. It will take a minute to upload. Enjoy the short commercial beforehand...

Have I turned into my parents?

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