Sunday, September 15, 2013

PAPA : Moment of Jump!

     Due to weather extremes, our kayaking adventures tend to be few and far between. Fortunately, over the past few weeks, both time and weather have intersected to draw us to our Lake Springfield.

     We head to the garage for a Saturday excursion. Step #1 is to lift, load, and tether the blue kayak to the top of the SUV, and my orange kayak slides inside the back window, with its nose nestled between the driver and passenger seats. After a quick 5-minute drive we arrive to our destination, Lake Springfield. Why drive farther?

     We remove the kayaks and begin Step #2. We shove off from the murky shore. The sun glistening off the calm waters confirms my love of kayaking. My upper arms feel tight, but blood-flow quickly invites flexibility's return. Paddling becomes second nature as sun, water and overall beauty take precedence.

     Mild temperatures invite slews of kayakers this day. The interest-factor multiplies as we share cordial "Hi" 's with giggling families enjoying the great outdoors. We normally paddle for 45 minutes, but today, time seems to fly because of distractions.

     We press on, passing under the US 65 bridge, and head deeper into the lake's narrowing route. I like this part of the river because the water is clearer and it feels more protected. One never knows what will be around a secluded corner, like the dude in his kayak hiding under low-hanging branches strumming his guitar.

The Moment of Jump
     Sure enough, as we paddle on, an even more interesting event catches our attention. It is live action; and more entertaining than live-TV. My husband approaches a walking bridge as a group of students gather for adrenaline-producing, better than I-Max, Fear Factor challenges. They repeatedly jump off a 25-foot-high bridge into thin air. Gravity's pull immediately takes effect, and within seconds they plunge into the water below.

     My husband's vantage point captures a serendipitous, 6-second video of 6 pseudo-synchronized jumpers. I hear one excited participant say: "The coolest feeling is the moment of jump!"

     The Moment of Jump is how I begin to describe invigorating Step #3 PURGE of The PAPA Prayer.  

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