Friday, February 22, 2013

Right Under My Nose!

      I have accumulated a host of delayed sewing projects and finally decided to tackle one quick-fix, of my hubby's sweater. As I sit down to sew, the thought pops into my mind that, being rather absent-minded (and I'm not even a professor, but I do hang out with some): It would be punctually prudent to find my craft project before sewing, for 1:30 crafting time with Jane. I'll set it by my purse to grab when I leave.

     I look in the regular places for the project: the kitchen, pantry, and the utility room. Nope, it isn't in the regular places. There are still three strong possibilities.

     I dart into the chilly garage to check my car, and... brrrr... no... chipmunk craft project. Next, my craft area. Nope. Surely it is in the extra bedrooms. Nooooo!

     Defeat begins to seep into my mindset, but instead I calmly determine that I WILL find that project, by carefully and systematically looking in each room of my home, starting with my bedroom closet. Closet, nope. Bedroom, nope. Living room, dining room, office again, bathroom, kitchen again, pantry again, dinette, family room again, extra bedrooms again, utility room again, chilly car again. Nope, nope, nope.

     I dejectedly wonder: What happened to him? This is crazy. I saw... Chip... just 2 days ago in my kitchen, and now he is NOWHERE!

     Alas, during my search I find an alternate project. I decide to craft a second "wee mouse house." After 20 neurotic minutes of searching for... dearest Chippy... I settle, for mousy.

      Now, back to fixing hubby's sweater. As I approach the sewing ottoman, I suddenly wonder if I could be heading for "the hot seat":  I haven't looked inside that ottoman, but surely... dear, cherished Chippy... isn't there. The ottoman contains only sewing items, not crafts... Ironically, that is where I was sitting when my search began. Could it be?!?

     I lift the lid, and... there he is... my buried treasure... beloved Chipster... safely stored, "right under my nose" (and other body parts).

     Ecclesiastes shares of a particularly expensive and thorough search, experimenting with various pleasures to search for meaning and happiness. It seems we could learn from that author's reflections. Could it be that meaning and happiness are located "right under my nose"? Do earnest searches add depth, in my mind, to THE most valuable Treasure?... *the FOREVER Substance Behind the Shadows*.

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