Monday, December 17, 2012

4 days & counting til 12-21-12

4 days & counting

colossians 2:17...
      i molded this Christmas sandman years ago on a cancun beach. his blue bottle cap hat and shell buttons created a Christmas feel even on that sunny, sandy december 25th walk. high tide waves soon swept away my yuletide sculpture; all that remains of him is this picture and a short video.

      Christmas time is full of celebrations, food, people, gift-buying and giving, and overall busyness. all of these activities and "things" can help connect us to the holiday spirit and to meaning... but they eventually fade or disappear, like my sandman. 

      notice the shadow behind mr. sandman? it is my husband's large shadow. he did return home with me from the beach, and 3 years later, i'm so glad he is still with me.

      even though my husband plans to be with me until we are old and gray... he will not be with me on this earth forever. i don't wish to think about that, but instead think about the FOREVER substance. it is behind the shadows; it is invisible; it is real; and it is lasting.

      as my countdown continues to 12-21-12... i trust you will enjoy a 4-minute video that goes behind the shadows...
     feel FREE to click here for your video-viewing enjoyment:  *The "WAY" to the FOREVER Substance behind the Shadows* 

     ¯time keeps on tickin' tickin' tickin' into the future¯ and my blogging commitment will keep me postin' postin', postin'... i plan to be here tomorrow, to continue the countdown.

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