Thursday, December 20, 2012

1 day & counting til 12-21-12

1 day & counting

Colossians 2:17...
       ho, ho, hold your horses! what did mrs. claus say when santa asked about the weather? "it looks like rein, deer!!!"

      'twas one day before friday and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

      the stockings were hung by the chimney with care with hopes that Christmas would bring great cheer.

      i sprang from my bed, with 12-21 growing near, to the front window i head. the wind, oh the wind did i dread.

      when what to my wandering eyes should appear; of course no miniature sleigh, just one front yard wire deer... and not rain, but flurries of light snow, snow, snow!

      with endless to-dos and treats to prepare, i knew in a moment i need more than st. nick!

      i need the substance behind the shadows... invisible, real, and lasting! i need eternal things mentioned in my post: "4 days & counting..." tomorrow is THE day!! 

     this world will forever last; 12-21-12 will pass... but wouldn't this be a perfect time to peruse the harbinger, humbly reflect, and if, say, one doesn't regularly attend church or mass... resolve to? just sayin'....

     my "12-21-12" plans include a late-night post...

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