Tuesday, December 18, 2012

3 days & counting til 12-21-12

3 days & counting

2 Chronicles 7:14
      i'm still thinking about shadows, my topic from yesterday's post. this picture shows my husband's and my very long shadows on a late-day walk that reminds me of the twin towers.

     my friend and i were recently discussing a book's intriguing 9/11 premise, and i want to share a modified review borrowed from amazon:

     in light of current events, the harbinger, by jonathan cahn is mesmerizing and fascinating. if you're not familiar with "harbinger," the term means:
anything that foreshadows a future event; omen; sign:
frost is a harbinger of winter (Dictionary.com).

      this book is an eye opener and a wake-up call as it illuminates america's response to, and its underlying message post-9/11. it is presented in a narrative fashion, and demonstrates the ties between the destruction of ancient Israel and america.

     anyone searching for answers in the midst of the chaos, unrest, and fear will find a glimmer of hope as they read this book.

     friday is the day... 12-21-12... i plan to be here tomorrow...

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