Monday, December 16, 2013

Walk a Mile in Their Shoes

Trudging a snowy, STEEP GRADE
     As Christmas approaches I think about how much the holiday, with twinkle lights and sparkle, means to me. This year's abundant, early snowfalls have brought even greater joy, inspiring therapeutic ☼lafic memes. (The right sidebar displays a plethora of meme links.)

     There is, however, a yin with the yang... holiday times include fun, but also invite complex relational dynamics. Differing values, that haven't mingled for years, will meet. I prepare myself and step back for needed perspective.

     I am determined to evaluate my approach to Christmas unknowns, but not necessarily re-evaluate my beliefs, on a collage of topics. My opinions will remain steady, because, for the past 7 years, and especially during the past 14 months of blogging, they have been carefully distilled. They will, however, be zipped.
     Today, I suddenly realize that zipping, and dipping as well, are exactly what these cherished family members have demonstrated, for over 10 years. They have kept patiently quiet, choosing to distance themselves. During previous together-occasions, they already trudged the snowy, STEEP GRADE of silence; and, this year, we will most likely, finally, in person acknowledge the proverbial elephant in the room.

     I WILL WALK A MILE IN THEIR SHOES. For the sake of peace, I... will zip my lips and step back. IF actions seem to suggest:
WE DON'T SHARE YOUR STARCHY VALUES... I can trudge that same quiet, snowy and STEEP GRADE. They already clearly know that our opinions differ; now, I need to convey that our relationships are treasures. What I'm learning through the Duck Dynasty brouhaha is: To love and have compassion for people doesn't mean I need to compromise and conform to their beliefs.

     My no-nonsense attitude that sounds a bit Duck Dynasty-like will be:
   Put Your Big Girl Panties On and (thoughtfully) Deal with It

     Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life (John 8:12).

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