I recall the normal beginning to that TOO shaking day. It was on a Tuesday as 400+ co-workers and I wearily gathered for our regular 8:00 a.m. weekly assembly.
My neighbor was one of the co-workers present that day and, as one of the organization's executive leadership team, he approached the speaker to whisper into his ear. The jolting memories began. The speaker grimly shared that a commercial airplane had, minutes-ago, struck the Twin Towers in New York. The rest of his words became muffled, indiscernible Peanuts cartoon "WA-WA-WA's..." Terrorism's uncertainty and paranoia filled the air, and for the first time in over 10 years of working at that organization, our weekly assembly was prematurely cut short. We quietly returned to our desks.
Utter disbelief shook us all. My brain was numb. The significance of that day's TO-DO's, as well as Psychologist Maslow's needs-hierarchy of esteem and self-actualization, became irrelevant. How was my family handling the news? Are we safe? ...and how are those people in New York? I seemed to enter into an alternate realm or perspective... a realm that American's seldom clearly experience. It is the divide between important and critical, and that divide helps to segue to this blog's topic.
An alternate-realm perspective is how I define The PAPA Prayer's Step #2. In Step #1, we PRESENT ourselves to God, through Jesus. We share our joys, fears, concerns, and questions (for more information, click this blue link to my blog: PAPA : The Grand-Factor).
Next, we ATTEND to how we relate to God. We step back for perspective. I see the goal in ATTEND as this: To somewhat shake me so that my perspective changes. As John the Revelator saw God and fell prostrate, I, too, change my mental posture (Rev. 1:10-18). My "TO-DO's" of a first-ever trip to Disney World (actually, I can't wait), or buying a new dress, or having fun at a party are not my deepest needs. What is critical as I stand before the Almighty? (BTW- To-do's and prayer requests are a part of Step #4 APPROACH).
In our finite minds, is God bigger-than-life? Is He more than enough? Am I too often easily satisfied with what I interpret as much, but is actually so little? Am I far too easily pleased and pre-occupied with creating entertainment? (C.S. Lewis) Is my praise of God extravagant... or mediocre?
Step #1, PRESENT, warms me into God's presence. Step #2, ATTEND, lightly shakes me into God's sovereignty. Critical Step #3 prepares me for Step #4. The steps are inter-related and inter-dependent. Author Larry Crabb explains each step in much better detail.
At times, The PAPA Prayer brings warm fuzzies (more often, it does not). It is interesting to note that warm fuzzies are not the goal, but could be a (welcomed) by-product. Vulnerable, relational connection is the goal.
An interesting Today Show segment addresses boys and communication. We are created for deep connection and communication, and we need to be heard. I see where the "Communicating with boys" scenario below might open my perspective to the complexities of God's desire, and weave it with my significant need, for regular, deep, trusting communication... with HIM:
"Masterminds & Wingmen" & Communicating with Boys
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