Friday, August 9, 2013

PAPA : Follow the Shade

     Poolside adventures continue as I experience Day Three of my husband's sunny Florida business trip, preparing to write this third PAPA blog. Today I notice the tremendous advantage of securing a lounge chair in the protective shade, and as soon as scorching noon rays appear, I find new shade. UVA and UVB rays are problematic, particularly today. My husband hid the SPF 30 sunscreen, so shade = skin protection.

     I will return to Springfield with various shade memories. Chameleons seem to like the shade. While lying poolside, I cautiously respect the dozens of bees that pollinate what I hope are safe, overhanging, flowering shade bushes. I find two spongy balls in the shade. When fluffy clouds overtake the skies and cover the entire area with shade, invigorating pool laps beacon me.

    Today (in the shade) I chat with a mother whose son is participating in the 2013 World Yo-yo Championships, currently being held at our hotel. That explains the increased noise last night, when teenagers infiltrated the hotel, with busy yo-yo-ing elevators, and heavy doors yo-yoing shut, with loud thunks-- yo-yo YOLO! The YouTube clip below shows dramatic and impressive feats of coordination.

     That enlightening yo-yo conversation and other shade experiences fill me. I dare to dub, temporarily, for this Florida post only, The PAPA Prayer's subtitle to be: Follow the PAPA Shade. His shade has its unexpected surprises; I receive insightful information; it helps to manage stinging yo-yo insecurities; it cools and refreshes. I earnestly seek shade in Florida, like I seek refreshing PAPA God.

     I want to experience more of PAPA God. Two introductory quotes from PAPA intrigue me, draw me into its message, and resemble a special invitation into cooling shade:

...Brennan Manning and I were chatting after we had spoken at a conference together.
"Where are you heading from here?" I asked.
"I begin a week long prayer retreat by myself in two days."
I'd never done that, so I was curious. "What does a week like that do for you? How does God respond to your praying for a week?"
Brennan looked a little puzzled, and then said, "I've never thought about what I get out of it. I just figure God likes it when I show up [emphasis mine]."  (The PAPA Prayer, p. xv)

...[The PAPA Prayer] is a way of coming to God that delights Him and changes us [emphasis mine] (p. 9).

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