Friday, November 8, 2013

Savings 3 Bank

SAVE, SPEND, & GIVE containers corralled on a plastic tray
     Pictured above is a personally-crafted, shakable, playable, savings 3 bank. It was created with... one of my special little guys in mind... for his 3rd birthday. He may not clearly understand the concept of money yet, but it's never too early to help my monkey-lover to learn to share with the SAVE, SPEND, and GIVE containers.

Underneath the SAVE lid hides an adhered "cents-ory" surprise

  • SAVE can't be opened by little hands.
  • SPEND is a recycled Parmesan cheese container* with a flip top (clear because it might be important for precious SPEND money to be easily visible), and why not include some fun little toys in the container?
  • GIVE randomly evolved (for his offerings) with a carefully carved coin slot in the bed's headboard.
  • Gold and black lettering can be purchased at Wal-Mart.

     It would be impossible to re-create this one-of-a-kind bank... just hoping to inspire some monkey business in the saving-&-giving world!

*After the label is removed from the Parmesan cheese container, any residual glue can be rubbed off with petroleum jelly (Vaseline) and a little elbow greas. The SAVE bank is an empty gourmet hot cocoa container. 

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