Monday, October 28, 2013

The Closet: GO-IN' IN!

     Attempting to corral my disorderly clothes closet has been an unaccomplished goal for over 18 months. This to-do bullet has been erased and replaced, many times over. My closet is like the chaotic aftermath of a tornado... with endless, dusty debris. Bringing order and manageability to the beast seems like a dangerous duel. I'll sneeze from dust sensitivities, scale mountains of shoes, and unearth shocking surprises.

     I creatively procrastinate, finding thousands of other things to tackle. Interestingly, every other area of our home has been overhauled, except for under the kitchen sink (hmmm, maybe that HAS been re-organized).

     Why do I bristle at this looming project? After all, organization is one of my strengths. Maybe because of its dynamic nature, and feeling small, as portrayed in this entertaining 20-second video...

My Way! My Way! My Way!
     The closet and its contents are large, unruly employees who will not, most likely, easily submit to "My Way." Seasons, temperatures, styles, sizes and ultimately wardrobe changes nurture a mind-of-its own monstrosity: If I donate to charity this shirt that seems too loose now, WHAT-IF styles change? I like this skirt and paid lots of money for it, but... Oh, to have my daughter's intuitive fashion-sense.

     On the other hand, who knows what muck will be uncovered? There might even be a skeleton or two. Creepy!!

     Writing will therapeutically help me through this task. I will sensory blog the experience for accountability. I can make it through this... adventure! After consuming 2 days worth of mind-bending dark chocolate, I take the first step... GO-IN' IN!... to the (dim and dusty) closet.

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