Monday, January 14, 2013

Walking Warm-ups

       my neighbor and i walk together once or twice a week. we enjoy hiking our nearby lake trails or walking through the neighborhood.

     we tend to be yin-&-yang-like, reminiscent of the vintage show "the odd couple"... she is 40-something and i am 50-something; she has no children and i have two; she takes her shoes off immediately when she enters her home, while i prefer to leave my shoes on for warmth; she loves, loves, loves to watch basketball and football, and i prefer survivor and downton abbey; she follows the biggest loser and i don't; she rarely watches movies, and I love movie entertainment...

      we manage to uncover common-ground similarities during our hour-long walks. we both recently began sabbaticals; we need a daily walk; we were born and raised in illinois; her husband is an alumnus of the same university as my husband and i; we play dominoes; and, her father just passed away. i remember the deep sadness, as well as the challenging aftermath of inheritance taxes and financial decisions; so, we share the common human experience... of dealing with death. 

      as we discuss father-stories, I wonder about one other issue. we haven't discussed by whom our deepest needs are met. mine are met by the FOREVER Substance Behind the Shadows. i strive to listen, understand, and be prepared to share IF she has questions. i earnestly pray she is seeking direction from THE listening Father/Advocate...  * The 4-EVER Substance Behind the Shadows *

      For walking warm-ups, click these links to see gentle leg swings:
             * video of  front-to-back leg swings  *    &  *  side-to-side legs swings *

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