Friday, February 1, 2013

I am IN LOVE...

     I am IN LOVE... with my new kitchen storage unit!!! It fits perfectly in the pantry and has 3 labeled bins: one to hold trash bags, one for the weeks newspapers, one for miscellaneous items, and it even has a handy top shelf. It is designed like a Murphy bed, for tight spaces.
      Organization is vital for cogent navigation and retrieval, even on this Blogspot page. A plethora of posts are offered in the accessible right sidebar's BLOG ARCHIVE. Anyone can click on the little arrows to reveal the post medley, displayed in a drop-down fashion, and navigate to read every dramatic one. The simple sidebar also contains this blogsite's passion and purpose.

      Since it is Valentine's month, with pink and red hearts everywhere, love is in the air. I appreciate storage systems and LOVE connecting relationships. Household organization items are, however, priceless because they offer benefits: they can provide the opportunity to be fully engaged with life, people, and FOREVER things.

      The compulsive question becomes: Is it an over-exaggeration to say "I am IN LOVE with"... an inanimate object and focus on what could become obtrusive organization? What I really value is natural access to needed items to leave more energy for creative pursuits, like blogging!

      My 2012 October through December colorful lamentations could be compared to the de-clutter and re-organization Superbowl... of my life! I earnestly asked for Help to accurately see key childhood issues that my TOO sensitive, obstinate emotions TOO remembered. I needed Guidance. By writing, I stirred flourishing flatness. Now, like Sherlock Holmes I exclaim, By jove, I think I've got it!! and like Monk, Here is what happened.

      I am clumsily and honestly facing my TOO issues, to neatly file away difficult memories for true retrieval. My childhood shaped me, but events are becoming sequenced, neatly stored, and best of all... docile. The awkward chaos is beginning to take up less emotional space. He is THE neatest Organizer.

     I am ever the recovering autrovert, and rather than haughtily hailing "hats off to..." I will yield, kneel, and bow, with frumpled, folded, filigree fedora to...  *the FOREVER Substance Behind the Shadows*.

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